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Product Registration
Register your Polaris products online to receive information regarding product updates, warranties and customer support.
The Polaris Limited Warranty
Polaris warrants that your Polaris products are free from production defects for one full year or more. Please refer to the Polaris Limited Warranty for a full list of terms and conditions.
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Why You Should Register
Registering your equipment means never having to search for serial numbers or receipts later if you need product assistance. Online registration is quick and easy, and you can even apply for applicable rebates and extended warranties during the process. Click the registration link to enter your product and contact information.
Registering your products online or on paper is optional but recommended for your convenience. Our warranties automatically start on your purchase date, and we can validate your warranty with your receipt and serial numbers even without registration. But, because extended warranties and rebates must be submitted either by online product registration or via a paper application form, it’s in your best interest to register your product so you can access these benefits.
What's Covered in the Polaris Limited Warranty
Polaris warrants that your Polaris products are free from production defects for one full year or more. We know from experience that our products are dependable, but in case something does go wrong, we honor our warranties and deliver superior customer service to ensure your satisfaction and peace of mind.
Your limited warranty starts automatically at the time of purchase.

One-Year Limited Warranty
Suction-side pool cleaners, Pressure-side pool cleaners, Booster pumps, AG single-speed pumps, AG sand filters and sand filter system packs

Two-Year Limited Warranty
Robotic pool cleaners

Five-Year Limited Warranty
Frames for in-ground Polaris pressure-side pool cleaners
Note: Most replacement parts and products supplied as fixes under your original warranty become part of the original purchase and warranty period. This simply means that if we replace something under warranty, the original warranty period remains in effect. Purchased replacement parts are warranted for ninety (90) days from the date of retail purchase with the exception of electronic salt water chlorine generator cells and electrodes, and "Factory Rebuild Kits" for Polaris pressure cleaners, which are warranted for one (1) year. Please see the complete warranty for more information.
Free Extended Limited Warranty on Select In-Store Purchases
On specific products, Polaris offers an extended limited warranty when items are purchased in-store.

One-Year Limited Warranty + One-Year Extended Warranty When Purchased In-Store
Polaris Quattro™ Sport, 3900 Sport, TR35P, TR36P, TR28P Pressure-Side Cleaners, ATLAS XT and MAXX Suction-Side Cleaners, and PB4SQ Booster Pump

Two-Year Limited Warranty + One-Year Extended Warranty When Purchased In-Store
Polaris VRX™ iQ+, VRX iQ, Alpha™ iQ+, Alpha iQ, PCX™ 868 iQ, PCX 864, PCX 852, EPIC™ 8642 iQ, EPIC 8640, EPIC 8520, 9550, 9450, P955, and P945 Robotic Pool Cleaners
What Falls Outside Your Polaris Warranty
For your peace of mind, the basic Polaris warranty guarantees your products are fully covered from defects in manufacturing. As with most product warranties, Polaris products are not covered for any other issues, such as issues arising from installation or operation. Additionally, there are some detailed exceptions. Please review the complete terms and conditions of your Polaris Limited Warranty.
Start a Claim or Get Help
Not sure if you should start a warranty claim? We’ll help you with the warranty process from start to finish.
Are your products already registered? The email you received after registering your product(s) has your registration details.
You do not need to register your products to start a warranty claim. Just have your serial number(s) handy along with a proof of purchase (such as a work order or receipt) to show the start date for your purchase.
Register a Product
Register your Polaris product online to receive information regarding product updates and warranties